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Old Man s Journey is a real beauty

In our circles of friendship, Ramon Nafría it called «the game perfect for Pep», and not you lack reason: be a viejete bearded with cane and backpack touring world which José Antonio Labordeta digital, is one of those pleasures traditionalists as of Pep that, although one perhaps not share or not have annotated in his wishlist of the life, itself knows understand somehow. That seems to be Old Man’s Journey.

Is is of the last game of Broken Rules, a Studio indie based in Vienna that perhaps not you finish of sound much by the name, but if you say that are responsible of Yet It Moves, Chasing Aurora and Secrets Of Raetikon perhaps that you come something to the memory. Something like in side view games especially beautiful and colorful, which seems to be a criterion similar to which governs Old Man s Journey.

The only trailer shows an apparently delicious art direction, and the description on the official website speaks of «explore valleys bathed by the Sun collecting pieces of memories;» «a last opportunity of stay in peace, of find your heart lost once in the ocean “. Even the language used is beautiful and evocative, and the mechanical issue seems that it will be based in the exploration and resolution of small puzzles that we will be finding our way, for revealing that, they say, it is a story about life, loss, and hope. To me I already have.

Arrive in 2017 and will be present at the PAX West of Seattle in early September, so maybe then they let us see a little bit more.

Old Man's Journey es una auténtica preciosidad

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