Sony has announced the games that will be added to the snapshot collection of PlayStation Plus in January 2017. The heads of poster of the month are the remastering of Day of the Tentacle and This War of Mine: The Little Ones; the two are for PS4, but the SCUMM classic can play also in Vita.
For the PlayStation 3, we have Blazerush, an arcade racing more or less well considered, but without enthusiasm, among critics, and The Swindle, a phenomenal roguelite of dock houses with stealth and efficiency. This last is fantastic, and you can play also in PS4 and Vita.
Finally, Sony’s handheld is Azkend 2 and Titan Souls, the curious two way: one is a match 3 with a mysterious background story and the other, an action game with a mysterious universe of Fund, full of Titans to defeat in clear inequality of conditions. The two are also compatible with PS4, which will start the year getting fat to taste.
December games will leave to make way for the new on January 4, when the Store is updated.