Last spring Disney returned to tire of this from the jueguicos and shelve definitive and total gave Disney Infinity, taking ahead without regard to Avalanche Software. The company of Salt Lake City (not confused with Avalanche Studios, them Swedish of the Just Cause) had born October of 1995 and had been acquired by Disney ten years later for developments as the game of Toy Story 3, the of Cars and the three versions of Disney Infinity.
Now Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, which bought the rights to adapt some Disney franchises – as it did EA do with Star Wars-, it has decided to become a Lazarus to Avalanche Software videojuerguista and tell him that ‘get up and go’ so continue developing games.
The first project in which the Avalanche resurrected – with the same personnel, by the way – is precisely one of Disney, the game’s Cars 3 where he had started to work before Mickey Mouse pegase them the axe, should sit them regular dignity, but apparently Warner also plans to Commission to study developments outside the range of brands Disney.
Cars 3 premieres in June this year and the game should not leave much later than that date. We will see if it is finally the oscurisimo drama that suggested the first teaser for the film.