BioWare has announced this afternoon on its official website, right here, the date of Mass Effect: Andromeda: in Europe will go on sale on March 23 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Americans have it a couple of days earlier.
From the study of Montreal does not count very much; that have State playing to the last version of the game during these holidays Christmas and that all well, thank you.
Little more than two and a half months, so to meet this or that Ryder which aspires to become the new or the new Shepard. Still having the feeling of that have seen of the game less than what would touch to these heights, despite that video relatively long that served to close the last gala of The Game Awards. You could change the topic in a few hours, because we know that Mass Effect: Andromeda is invited to NVIDIA in the 2017 CES Conference – will be broadcast live here from three in the morning, Spanish time.