Virginia, the adventure of mystery with which debuts the study Variable State, will be published on 22 September; not have to wait until then to prove it: there is a demo available on Steam.
The demo is only for computers, but the game will be released the same day also in PS4 and Xbox One.
The game has the history of Anne Tarver, agent of the FBI, that investigates the disappearance mysterious of a young. The protagonist ‘will have to negotiate a conflict of interest, you will discover hidden secret plans and will test the patience of a little accustomed to the scrutiny of the free community’; It’s a story noir that follows “the tradition of Twin Peaks, Fargo and True Detective”, according to its creators. ´
Makes ones years, when Virginia was in a State much more first-time, could interview to their creators, that listed games as Gone Home, Dear Esther and, above all, Thirty Flights of Loving («our main influence», I said) between which can have an air similar to what seek for his thriller.
«The big budgets are what stifle creativity, and is partly why it is so attractive to be indie. That your costs initial can be minor. «That does not need to generate benefits huge to be self-sufficient». All this me it said after talking about their works earlier, in studies as Rockstar or Rare, large groups in whose games is difficult verse reflected as creator; Why Jonathan Burroughs and Terry Kenny, the founders and main components of Variable State, made the leap and mounted his own Studio.
You can review the interview here.