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Beware of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3: it takes almost 5 minutes to start

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

The loading time of some video games can become desperate. We recognize it. But the case of Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is something more than that. In fact, as we first load the game you can go to buy bread. What pensaríais if you were to say that the initial start of the title takes to complete about 5 minutes? It is not a joke. We have to wait this type until the game is fully available.

The process is carried out at least in the edition of Playstation 4. CI Games explained that this charging time is so long because there are a lot of processes that optimize the title in all its development. I.e. the first home takes advantage of in order to get that other load times are lower.

The company confirms that “thanks to this decision, we have been able to decrease load times during missions, restart them and travel between different parts of the map“. In fact, have defended claiming that “this drawback decreases to check in-game experience is improved“.

In any case, it seems that the data that are taken from different situations does not confirm an improvement in load times: restart a mission can carry a maximum of 25 seconds. In the case of journeys between different points on the map, it’s an operation that takes between four and 15 seconds. The times are still excessive.

In any case, it is expected that from CI Games run new jobs in order to optimize the development, taking into account that the load times are not especially good.

Don’t forget that Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is already on sale in shops, for PC and Playstation 4, Xbox One. And you’ll have to download updates.

Via | Eurogamer

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