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NVIDIA announces the arrival of GeForce Now to PC and Mac

Nvidia anuncia la llegada de GeForce Now a PC y Mac

NVIDIA has announced at the CES the arrival to PC and Mac of your service GeForce Now, until now exclusive of them devices Shield. GeForce Now is a streaming service games on demand, in the style of Gaikai or OnLive. I.e. you can enjoy games streaming, without having to install them on your computer.

In addition, as the game does not run in our team, we can play games with higher than the one of our computer requirements or, directly, would not be initially supported. This can be especially interesting for those users of Mac. Indeed, the CEO of Nvidia, Jen-Hsun Huang, has presented the service in the Vegas playing to Rise of the Tomb Raider via Steam in an iMac (can jump up to the minute 4 and peak).

Sounds well, really? Now is when come the bad news. The service, that will come in March, will work with credits that go recharging and that is spent according to the time of game. To simplify, some $25 us will give for something more than 20 hours of game, so the time sale to $1.25 approximately. There are that have in account that there will be several levels of quality that will make that the price of the service change.

Ah, if any not it has clear, that cost does not includes the games in question. Only the service of streaming. In the example earlier, if want play to Rise of the Tomb Raider in a Mac will have that buy the game as we would normally and then use GeForce Now to play it. I’m more or less convinced of that the future possibly go by here, but of time the present of these services paints very green.

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